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English Quiz

Directions: (1 - ): Read the following passage carefully and answers the questions given below it. Certain words are given in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.

The law is both a body of information and a system within which that information is used to resolve conflicts and preserve order within society.  To understand the law, one must both know the information that forms the basis of the law, and also appreciate how that information supports particular social interests such as public health or individual freedom.  Pharmacy law is a body of information about drugs, drug distribution, and drug therapy.  The information is used by legislatures, administrative agencies, and courts of law, to assure that all parties to whom responsibilities have been assigned by society meet those responsibilities.

When things have not gone well in drug therapy, the legal authorities are likely to ask who was in a position of responsibility prior to the problem having developed, and then to ask that the responsible person (or persons) account for actions taken.  A requirement that this explanation of actions be provided is known as accountability. If the responsible person or persons providing the accounting fail to furnish an acceptable explanation for the conduct, then liability will be imposed.  Liability is legal recognition that an acceptable accounting was not provided by a party who was in a position of responsibility when a problem occurred. The law defines a set of responsibilities for pharmacists and for others who are formally involved with medication use.   

Pharmacy law protects patients from harm that might occur if medications were used in ways that unreasonably increase the risk of their causing harm.  Some pharmacy laws relate to all drugs and the hazards of using them for therapeutic reasons.  Other laws relate to a subset of drugs that have the potential for abuse, and these laws seek to restrict inappropriate use while not interfering with legitimate use. In studying pharmacy law, the primary goal is to address the question: “How far should government go to protect people who use medications from the consequences of their own choices in drug therapy?” This is both an empirical question and a normative question, because it asks both what the rules are and what the rules ought to be. To fully appreciate pharmacy laws, it is important to understand what is required and why, as well as understand that pharmacy law is dynamic and can be changed to protect the public in ways that extend beyond the status quo.
Pharmacy is regulated at the federal and state levels.  Federal rules primarily relate to the drug product, while state rules primarily relate to the people who practice pharmacy and the practice sites within which they perform their professional duties.  As a general rule, pharmacists are required to comply with the most restrictive law, if both state and federal law address a specific issue and if they conflict on that issue.  For example, if under federal law a particular drug is not restricted to prescription-only sale, but under state law there is such a restriction, pharmacists may not sell the drug without a prescription, because state law would be stricter. Administrative agencies such as the board of pharmacy, at the state level, and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), at the federal level, make rules for pharmacists and they enforce their own rules as well as rules made by the state and federal legislatures. 

1. When both federal and state laws are available on the same issue, why are pharmacists required to comply with the more restrictive law among the two?
(1) Stricter law would definitely be better than less strict law
(2) The Government wants to put restrictions on pharmacists anyhow.
(3) It leaves no room for mistake
(4) It ensures that room for mistake is minimal
(5) More than one of  the above

2. It can be inferred that a course on pharmacy laws should include all except a chapter on:  
(1) composition of drugs
(2)  marketing channel for drugs
(3) responsibilities of druggists
(4)  state & federal laws.
(5) None of these

3. The author has given an example of prescription-only medicine to highlight how pharmacists are bound to comply with the restrictive federal or state laws. Another example for illustrating the same fact can be –
(1) Federal law prohibits pharmacists to sell sleep inducing drugs to teenagers but state law allows sale of limited quantity of drugs
(2) Federal law makes it mandatory for pharmacists to wear their license all the times ;state law makes it mandatory for pharmacists to have in possession of their license all the times
(3) Federal law restricts use of a helper by pharmacists; state law allows use of a certified helper by  pharmacists
(4) State law demands batch number of drugs to be mentioned in bill by pharmacist while federal law demands batch number to be mentioned only in books of pharmacist
(5) None of these

4. What can be the purpose of the author for writing this passage?  
(1) To highlight the importance of pharmacy laws
(2) To explain the necessity of pharmacy laws
(3) To  explain the concept of pharmacy laws
(4) To  describe the enforcement procedure of pharmacy laws
(5) To highlight the importance of laws

5. What is the relationship between paragraph 1 and paragraph 2? 
(1) A problem is given in the first paragraph and the solution is given in the second one.
(2) A term is introduced in the first paragraph and is explained in the second one with examples.
(3) A definition is given in the first paragraph and some more terms are introduced in the second one.
(4) A concept is introduced in the first paragraph and is elaborated in the second one.
(5) None of these

6. Which one of the following is not true according to the passage? 
(1) Pharmacy laws are dynamic laws and can be changed for protection of patients from harm.
(2) Law not only punishes but also provides a review opportunity for those held accountable.
(3) Pharmacists are bound by three tier system of regulation – federal, state and administrative agencies.
(4) Pharmacy laws are mainly the list of restrictions on drug distribution.
(5) Pharmacy laws are formed at multiple levels

7. What does the author want to signify through the statement - ‘This is both an empirical question and a normative question’?
(1) The question is based on both experience and logic. 
(2) The question is based on experience and norms as well.
(3) Every pharmacy law is based on this question.
(4) This is the basic question of pharmacy law.
(5) Questions is irrelevant to the field of pharmacy

8. What can be considered as an example of ‘drug abuse’?
(1) A sprinter taking dosage of a prohibited drug to increase his chances in a race
(2) A person taking regular dosage of a drug to increase his intelligent quotient
(3) A doctor legally injecting a life taking drug in the vein of a patient suffering from incurable cancer
(4) A young divorcee taking sleep inducing pills after consulting her family doctor
(5) None of these

1. 2
2. 1
3. 5
4. 3
5. 4
6. 2
7. 1
8. 1

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